
These blogs may mention Jews and the land of Israel. Other lands where Jews went or affected may also be mentioned here.

This is another blessing: God Bless those who are merciful in their dealings with Israel.

Letting Go and Reclaiming

Hi! It's a sunny morning here in Toronto. I just love when it's bright and sunny. I am glad that spring is officially here. I can beat the winter once again because the temperature will be more bearable soon. I wish you a great day. Now, take hold of the message for today.

To follow me, please get in your Bible.

If you are a woman you will love this message, because it shows God's friendship is not limited to men.

Elisha, the man of God, had a word from the Lord for the woman whose son he had restored to life. The word of God was for that woman and her household. She had looked after the prophet of God before, by giving him a place to stay. She had sown unto the Lord with that act. She had reaped when God raised her son from the dead. The Lord was still watching out for her and her children.

She could have chosen to stay in Israel and face the famine that the Lord told her about. Others stayed because they had no choice---they did not get a special prophetic revelation from God. The woman was wise, she chose to act on the word of God, and so she left Israel to dwell in the land of the Philistines. Letting go of some of her earthly possessions, her friends and her neighbours, must have been hard on her, but she understood that seven years would be a long time to battle famine.

Life is more precious than some of the material things we possess. When you are faced with life saving decisions, the choice should always be to save life when it's within your power to do so. She also knew the prophet of God and was not relying on a false prophet. Her faith in God was tried and she passed the test.

Seven years later, after the famine, she returned to Israel to dwell in the land. Her God had not forgotten her. He had already worked out a way to restore all that she had to let go when she left her homeland. The day she appeared before the king of Israel to reclaim her properties she had a witness to identify her as the woman whom God had favoured greatly.

Are you highly favoured by God or are you His enemy?

Jesus promised all His friends that he will never leave them or forsake them. Do you trust Him today? Choose to act on His prophetic words that are relevant for you in these times. Choose life.

God bless you.

Abdool N

About the Author

    The author is a born again Christian. His spiritual offices are Pastor and Prophet. Abdool's ministry is to the body of Christ wheresoever the Spirit of God leads him. Two of his web sites are and This blog may be republished for the cause of Jesus Christ. It must be published without charge. The links may be removed, but the rest of the resource box must remain with the blog. Copyright 2006. Abdool Nizamuddin

This is not a heading but a blessing: God Bless Israel

Grasshopper Mentality

You can learn about grasshopper mentality in the book of Numbers , in the Holy Bible (KJV). You will find the word grasshoppers in verse thirty three. Read chapter fourteen also.

Grasshopper mentality may not be an inherent trait or an ongoing condition, but may be triggered suddenly, even in brave people. The other spies that went with Joshua and Caleb were brave men.

What made them see themselves as grasshoppers when Joshua and Caleb saw otherwise?

Look for these things in Joshua and Caleb:

1. Knowing their abilities and the abilities of others.

2. An honest desire to obtain good by right means.

3. Fear of God.

4. Ability to see enemies weaknesses and not only their strengths.

5. Refusing to fear the enemy and choosing to put confidence in God.

You may find more in your search. I hope this will help you prepare your mind to choose the giant mentality instead of the grasshopper mentality when the time comes.

I bless you with courage to follow Jesus Christ.

Abdool N

About the Author

    The author is a born again Christian. His spiritual offices are Pastor and Prophet. Abdool's ministry is to the body of Christ wheresoever the Spirit of God leads him. Two of his web sites are and This blog may be republished for the cause of Jesus Christ. It must be published without charge. The links may be removed, but the rest of the resource box must remain with the blog. Copyright 2006. Abdool Nizamuddin