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About Me

Life With God

My Father's Kingdom (Site will cover latter days too.)

Hi! I have parts of my testimony on my other sites. has one part, and has another part. I didn't go into great details about my salvation. I can assure you that my salvation is real.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross that He carried to Calvary. I believe He became sin on that cross. I believe that He was buried, and was in a tomb for three days according to the scriptures (not according to doubters calculations of three days). I believe that He conquered death by becoming alive on the third day. I believe that He was very God in the flesh. I believe He ascended to Heaven in His immortal and glorified body. I believe that He will return soon.

Yes! I do believe that He was born of the virgin Mary.

Yes! Yes! He was begotten of the Father.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I believe in the Holy Spirit.

I have received salvation by God's grace alone. I have been made as righteous as God through Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus took all my sins and gave me His own righteousness: THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD.

One day you may get to read my detailed testimony.

God bless you.
